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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - direction


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(directions) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A direction is the general line that someone or something is moving or pointing in. St Andrews was ten miles in the opposite direction... He drove off in the direction of Larry’s shop... The instruments will register every change of direction or height. N-VAR: usu with supp 2. A direction is the general way in which something develops or progresses. They threatened to walk out if the party did not change direction... N-VAR: usu with supp 3. Directions are instructions that tell you what to do, how to do something, or how to get somewhere. I should know by now not to throw away the directions until we’ve finished cooking... N-PLURAL: with supp 4. The direction of a film, play, or television programme is the work that the director does while it is being made. His failures underline the difference between theatre and film direction. N-UNCOUNT 5. see also direct
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См. в других словарях

   noun  Date: 15th century  1. guidance or supervision of action or conduct ; management  2. archaic superscription  3.  a. an explicit instruction ; order  b. assistance in pointing out the proper route — usually used in plural asked for ~s to the beach  4. the line or course on which something is moving or is aimed to move or along which something is pointing or facing  5. archaic directorate 1  6.  a. a channel or direct course of thought or action  b. tendency, trend  c. a guiding, governing, or motivating purpose  7.  a. the art and technique of directing an orchestra, band, or a show (as for stage or screen)  b. a word, phrase, or sign indicating the appropriate tempo, mood, or intensity of a passage or movement in music  • ~less adjective  • ~lessness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 the act or process of directing; supervision. 2 (usu. in pl.) an order or instruction, esp. each of a set guiding use of equipment etc. 3 a the course or line along which a person or thing moves or looks, or which must be taken to reach a destination (sailed in an easterly direction). b (in pl.) guidance on how to reach a destination. c the point to or from which a person or thing moves or looks. 4 the tendency or scope of a theme, subject, or inquiry. Phrases and idioms direction-finder a device for determining the source of radio waves, esp. as an aid in navigation. Derivatives directionless adj. Etymology: ME f. F direction or L directio (as DIRECT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  направление opposite in direction — противоположный по направлению; to observe direction — геод. измерять направление; to specify direction — геод. задавать (указывать) направление; задаваться направлением - direction of lay - direction of rolling - direction of travel - across-track direction - along-track direction - approach direction - asymptotic direction - backfire direction - backward direction - base direction - beam direction - Bragg direction - broadside direction - characteristic direction - circumferential direction - clockwise direction - columnar direction - conjugate directions - counterclockwise direction - crystallographic direction - crystal direction - decision direction - down-slope direction - drive direction - driving direction - East-West direction - easy direction - end-fire direction - face direction - flow direction - forward direction - freight-hauling direction - growth direction - hard direction - initial direction - level slope direction - lift direction - longitudinal direction - main receiving direction - negative-going direction - opposite direction - opposite rotational direction - paper cross direction - paper grain direction - pointing direction - positive-going direction - possible slip direction - preferred direction - principal direction - propagation direction - pulse direction - radial direction - rearward direction - receiver direction - receive direction - reference direction - retracting direction - reverse direction - scanning direction - signal direction of arrival - sliding direction - testing direction - thickness direction - trailing direction - transmitter direction - transmit direction - traveling direction - travel direction - up-slope direction - wind direction ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  направление direction of the component of the shearing stress direction of the normal to the plane axis direction clockwise direction counterclockwise direction down-slope direction level-slope direction longitudinal direction principal stress directions rectangular direction reverse direction spanning direction transverse direction up-slope direction ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) направление 2) указание – backward direction – field direction – forward direction – principal direction – scanning direction – tape direction – transducer direction DIRECTION FINDING радиопеленгация ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) направление 2) направленность 3) наставление 4) распоряжение, указание 5) руководство, дирекция 6) сторона 7) указание 8) управление from the opposite direction — навстречу in cross direction — в поперечном направлении in the right direction — пошерстно in the wrong direction — противошерстно unlimited in one direction — неограниченный в одном направлении - allowable direction - asymptotic direction - attainable direction - base direction - bicharacteristic direction - change of direction - clockwise direction - cosine of direction - counterclockwise direction - descent direction - direction alteration - direction angle - direction arm - direction cosine - direction finder - direction finding - direction number - direction of axis - direction of growth - direction of incidence - direction of integration - direction of line - direction of parallelism - direction of propagation - direction of recession - direction of rotation - direction of set - direction rectifier - direction slide - direction theodolite - direction vector - exposed direction - extreme direction - feasible direction - force direction - forward direction - installation direction - inverse direction - isotropic direction - local direction - negative direction - nontangential direction - null direction - observe the direction - orthogonal direction - overall direction - polar direction - positive direction - preferential direction - preferred direction - principal direction - projection direction - proper direction - quasiasymptotic direction - random direction - return direction - reverse direction - right direction - steepest descent direction - tangent direction - transmitting direction - transversal direction - transverse direction - two-dimensional direction - usable direction - vector direction - wrong direction ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) руководство, управление 2) направление 3) указание, распоряжение 4) дирекция, правление - direction of labor - in the direction of - political direction - under the direction of Syn: directorship, board of directors, management, manager's office DIRECTION сущ. 1) упр. руководство, управление, регулирование to work under the direction of smb. — работать под руководством кого-л. Is the direction of the economy a function of government? — Должно ли правительство заниматься регулированием экономики? Syn: administration, management 2) упр. надзор, контроль, заведование (по отношению к организации, группе или отдельному сотруднику) Syn: control, supervision 3) общ. направление (пространственное) They shook hands and walked off in opposite directions. — Они пожали друг другу руки и пошли в противоположных направлениях. 4) общ. направление, путь, ход, курс, цель (направление развития какого-л. процесса) business direction — направление коммерческой деятельности I couldn't follow the direction of his thoughts. — Я не мог уследить за ходом его мыслей. He had no direction in his life. — У него не было цели в жизни. 5) упр. указание, распоряжение, инструкция, директива (часто используется во множественном числе) He gave directions faster than she could follow them. — Он отдавал распоряжения быстрее, чем она могла их выполнить. Syn: order, instruction, instruction, manual, guidance 6) упр., устар....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – direction of cross – genetic code direction ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. направление direction of propagation —- направление распространения in the direction of London —- по направлению к Лондону from all directions —- со всех сторон in every direction, in all directions —- во всех направлениях in the opposite direction —- в противоположном направлении direction of the traffic —- направление движения (транспорта) direction of attack —- воен. направление наступления sense of direction —- умение ориентироваться, чувство ориентировки 2. область, направление, линия reforms in many directions —- реформы во многих областях 3. руководство, управление the direction of a bank —- руководство банком to work under smb.'s direction —- работать под чьим-л. руководством to follow the direction of one's instinct —- действовать инстинктивно 4. указание, предписание, распоряжение 5. pl. инструкция; директивы directions for use —- правила пользования, инструкция to give directions to smb. —- давать кому-л. инструкции 6. указание дороги, совет, как пройти куда-л. to put smb. in the right direction —- указать кому-л. дорогу I'll make certain of the directions —- я попытаюсь разузнать дорогу 7. правление; дирекция 8. обыкн. pl. адрес 9. постановка (спектакля, пьесы) 10. режиссура, работа с актерами 11. ремарка stage direction —- (авторская) ремарка 12. спец. направление, ось direction of magnetization —- ось намагничивания ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) руководство, управление to work under the direction of smb. - работать под руководством кого-л.  2) дирекция; правление  3) указание; инструкция; распоряжение to give directions - отдавать распоряжения - at the direction  4) pl. директивы  5) направление in the direction of - по направлению к  6) адрес (на письме и т.п.)  7) сфера, область there is a marked improvement in many directions - произошло заметное улучшение во многих областях new directions of research - новые пути исследования  8) theatr. постановка (спектакля, фильма); режиссура Syn: see command DIRECTION sign noun дорожный (указательный) знак ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ n 1 the way something or someone moves, faces, or is aimed  (in the direction of (=towards))  (The suspects were last seen heading in the direction of Miami. | in sb's direction (=towards someone))  (Tristram glanced in her direction and their eyes met. | in the opposite direction)  (The girls giggled and pointed in the opposite direction. | change direction)  (On seeing me, Maurice changed direction and went along the wharf instead. | in a southerly/easterly etc direction)  (Continue in a southerly direction until you reach the road. | in all directions)  (As shots rang out, the crowd ran screaming in all directions.) 2 directions instructions about how to get from one place to another, or about what to do  (A very helpful woman gave me directions to the police station.) 3 »WAY STH DEVELOPS« the general way in which someone or something changes or develops  (take a direction)  (Drayson was surprised at the direction his career had taken. | The company is hoping to extend its operations in this direction.) 4 »WHERE FROM OR WHERE TO« where something comes from or where something leads  (The evidence all points in this direction. | Help came from a wholly unexpected direction.) 5 »CONTROL« control, management, or advice  (under sb's direction)  (The project progressed well, under the capable direction of Magnus Armstrong.) 6 »FILM« the instructions and advice given by a film director (2) 7 »PURPOSE« a general purpose or aim  (Her mother felt that Rachel's life lacked direction.) 8 sense of direction a) the ability to know which way you should be going in a place you do not know well  ("Are we going north?" "Don't ask me! I've got no sense of direction at all.") b) an idea about what your aims in life are  (Doing the course gave her more sense of direction.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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